Terapijski laseri klase IV maksimiziraju primarne biostimulativne učinke

Terapijski laseri klase IVto their clinics. Maksimiziranjem primarnih učinaka interakcije foton-ciljana stanica, terapijski laseri klase IV mogu proizvesti impresivne kliničke rezultate i to u kraćem vremenskom razdoblju. A busy office interested in providing a service that helps a variety of conditions, is cost-effective, and is being sought out by an increasing number of patients, should give a serious look at Class IV therapy lasers.

MINI-60 Fizioterapija

TheFDAodobrene indikacije za uporabu lasera klase IV uključuju sljedeće:

*ublažavanje bolova u mišićima i zglobovima, bolova i ukočenosti;

*opuštanje mišića i mišićni spazam;

*ublažavanje boli i ukočenosti povezanih s artritisom.

Načini liječenja

Class IV laser treatment is best delivered in a combination of continuous wave and various frequencies of pulsation. The human body tends to adapt to and become less responsive to any steady stimulus, so varying the pulsation rate will improve clinical outcomes.14 In pulsed, or modulated mode, the laser operates at a 50% duty cycle and the frequency of pulsation can be varied from 2 to 10,000 times per second, or Hertz (Hz). The literature has not clearly distinguished which frequencies are suitable for various problems, but there is a substantial body of empirical evidence to provide some guidance. Različite frekvencije pulsiranja proizvode jedinstvene fiziološke reakcije tkiva:

*niže frekvencije, od 2-10 Hz pokazuju analgetski učinak;

*pulse frequencies above 2,500 Hz have an anti-inflammatory effect; i

*frekvencije iznad 5000 Hz su antimikrobne i antigljivične.


Vrijeme objave: 9. listopada 2024