Vijesti iz industrije

  • Što su proširene vene?

    Što su proširene vene?

    Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted veins. Varicose veins can happen anywhere in the body, but are more common in the legs. Varicose veins are not considered a serious medical condition. But, they can be uncomfortable and can lead to more serious problems. I, jer...
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  • Ginekološki laser

    Ginekološki laser

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  • Terapijski laser klase IV

    Terapijski laser klase IV

    Laserska terapija velike snage, posebno u kombinaciji s drugim terapijama koje pružamo, kao što su tehnike aktivnog oslobađanja tretmana mekih tkiva. Yaser high intensity Class IV laser physiotherapy equipment can also be used to treat: *Arthritis *Bone spurs *Plantar Fasc...
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  • Što je endovenska laserska ablacija (EVLA)? Endovenous Laser Ablation Treatment, also known as laser therapy, is a safe, proven medical procedure that not only treats the symptoms of varicose veins, but also treats the underlying condition that causes them. Endovenous mean...
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  • The Principle Of PLDD In the procedure of percutaneous laser disc decompression, laser energy is transmitted through a thin optical fiber into the disc. Cilj PLDD-a je ispariti mali dio unutarnje jezgre. The ablation of a relatively small volume of the inn...
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  • ORL kirurgija i hrkanje

    ORL kirurgija i hrkanje

    Napredni tretman bolesti hrkanja i uho nos-grla Uvođenje među 70% -80% hrkanja stanovništva. Osim što uzrokuju neugodnu buku koja mijenja i umanjuje kvalitetu sna, neki hrkači pate od prekida disanja ili apneje za vrijeme spavanja koja može obnoviti...
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  • Terapijski laser za veterinar

    Terapijski laser za veterinar

    Uz povećanu upotrebu lasera u veterini tijekom posljednjih 20 godina, percepcija da je medicinski laser "alat u potrazi za primjenom" je zastarjela. In recent years, the use of surgical lasers in both large and small animal veterinary practice ...
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  • Varikozne vene i endovaskularni laser

    Varikozne vene i endovaskularni laser

    Laseev laser 1470nm: jedinstvena alternativa za liječenje proširenih vena UVOD Proširene vene su česta vaskularna patologija u razvijenim zemljama i pogađaju 10% odrasle populacije. Taj se postotak povećava iz godine u godinu, zbog faktora poput OB ...
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  • Što je onyhomikoza?

    Što je onyhomikoza?

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    Kako djeluje Indiba terapija? INDIBA is an electromagnetic current which is delivered to the body via electrodes at a radiofrequency of 448kHz. This current gradually increases the treated tissue temperature. The temperature rise triggers the body's natural regeneration,...
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  • O terapijskom ultrazvučnom uređaju

    O terapijskom ultrazvučnom uređaju

    Terapeutski ultrazvučni uređaj koriste profesionalci i fizioterapeuti za liječenje bolnih stanja i za poticanje zacjeljivanja tkiva. Ultrasound therapy uses sound waves that are above the range of human hearing to treat injuries like muscle strains or runner's knee. Tamo...
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